The Sacral Chakra: Professionals Share Their 'Go-To' Essential Oils & Blends

The sacral chakra is known to be connected to sex and the reproductive system, emotions and creativity.

It's no surprise then, that when your sacral chakra is healthy and balanced, you feel full of creativity and feel at ease expressing yourself and your ideas. Your world will be a world filled with abundance, balance and pleasure.

You'll also be highly in tune with your feelings and emotions and those of others. This will show in more connected human relationships and in times of sexual intimacy along with your own intuition and spirituality.

If you struggle to express your feelings, have difficulty cultivating creativity and bringing your ideas to life, have an inability to feel pleasure, are experiencing relationship, sexual or reproductive issues and perhaps also have pent up anger and resentment... then your sacral chakra might be imbalanced and misaligned.

Healing and balancing the sacral chakra may take some time and isn't always easy. Luckily, essential oils can offer wonderful support and help you to work through your sacral chakra dysfunction so you can start to once again feel safe, secure and connected to friends, family and the world in which we live.

Thing is with essential oils... there's a LOT of them and when it comes to energy work, they all have different properties. Add to this the fact that different people respond better to different oils and you have a minefield of confusion.

Where do you start?

Luckily there are people out there who are experts in this field, so we asked them to share their recommendations of which essential oils and blends are good to use for the sacral chakra.

Knowing exactly which sacral chakra essential oils to focus on can save you a ton of time and experimentation so you can start your journey of healing off on the right foot with the right tools to support you.

#1: Elizabeth Ashley (AKA The Secret Healer)


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Author, NAHA Director, Chakra Healer and host of The Essential Oil Recipe Summit. Liz is the daughter of one of the first aromatherapists in the UK, a founding member and overseas speaker for the International Federation of Aromatherapists.

"To normalise sacral chakra energy, we use flowers. Those luscious, heady aphrodisiac petals like ylang ylang, jasmine, cardamom and damiana. Oils that hypnotise us into intimate languor but that make us feel juicy, inspired and creative."

I noticed something about the sacral chakra energy when I was consulting over the lockdown.

Of everyone I worked with, this was the energy that seemed to be affected most by the spread of fear throughout the pandemic.

Fear of course is related to the root chakra. It is the red energy that mediates how secure we feel and often conveys old traumas that have rocked us to our core. As we mature, so the energy of each stage climbs up through the chakras until kundalini fills our frame.

The energy of the root is that of the new born to about two years old – certainly to the point of potty training. It’s almost like an antenna for how safe our personal world is, and if you were to give the root chakra words they would say “I need” not least because a baby needs, of course. Then, as we start to understand who we can trust and what situations, the energy climbs to the sacral space of the toddler “I want”.

But in the blink of an eye, everything we thought we knew bout the safety of our world was taken away, and for many people the root chakra bottomed out. If you recognise the feeling of the world spinning too fast, and being extremely anxious, that that was probably you, and if money became a concern, probably even more so.

As we started to put new structures in place, then the root stabilised a bit, but not really enough to support the sacral for many people.

Most people recognise the sacral as being about sex and certainly it does relate to intimacy, gynaecology and genitalia, but more specifically it relates to desire and creativity.

It’s what controls your sense of food, your cooking, how you express yourself through art, through painting and colour. If you were to describe it as a fruit, it would be a luscious, juicy ripe peach that dribbles nectar down your chin as you eat. It’s wanton, unbridled and flowing.

So, then we lock people in small boxes together. We test their relationships to the core and we ask them to examine their family values and spaces in a way that perhaps some of us have never done before.

What did we see?

This extraordinary flood of paintings and rainbow art as everyone struggled to stabilise themselves and to fill the void that busy-ness usually fills. Delicious slow cooking, flour reserves were literally exhausted as people intuitively knew which part f them had become disturbed.

All those things they wanted to do, rather than needed to do finally got space to be seen. The depleted levels equalled. Potentially the birth rates in January will boom, and then the energy completely distorted into overdrive as it was shocked into disturbance.

To normalise sacral chakra energy, we use flowers. Those luscious, heady aphrodisiac petals like ylang ylang, jasmine, cardamom and damiana. Oils that hypnotise us into intimate languor but that make us feel juicy, inspired and creative.

Find ways to bring orange into your vibration and take long lingering baths with your scents.

#2: Marie Wayte (MIFA, CNHC) From Rosewood Therapy Clinic


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Marie has over 25 years experience and is the Principal Lecturer in Aromatherapy at Rosewood Aromatherapy College, where she teaches the IFA Aromatherapy Massage Diploma and also post graduate CPD courses. She also owns Rosewood Therapy Clinic offering a range of holistic therapies.

"Battaglia in his book, 'Aromatherapy and Chakras' lists the following essential oils as appropriate for Svadhisthana - cardamom, coriander, geranium, mandarin, sweet orange (the colour of this chakra), rose, sandalwood and ylang ylang (amongst others).

Another book by Drs Light and Bryan Miller, 'Ayurveda and Aromatherapy', also recommends ylang ylang, but in addition, suggests cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, myrtle and rosewood."

The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is all about creativity, pleasure, change and nurture. The word, 'Svadhisthana' actually means 'sweetness' which is appropriate for the oils relating to this chakra since many of them are good at bringing joy to the soul.

Battaglia in his book, 'Aromatherapy and Chakras' lists the following essential oils as appropriate for Svadhisthana - cardamom, coriander, geranium, mandarin, sweet orange (the colour of this chakra), rose, sandalwood and ylang ylang (amongst others). Another book by Drs Light and Bryan Miller, 'Ayurveda and Aromatherapy', also recommends ylang ylang, but in addition, suggests cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, myrtle and rosewood.

When Svadhisthana is blocked it can create a sense of restlessness, a denial of pleasure, a lack of purpose and more physical problems such as, cystitis, lower back pain and menstrual problems. However, when this chakra is open and balanced, it enables us to face up to challenges in a creative way, demonstrating healthy boundaries.

Bearing all this in mind, I think the following blend would work well together:

  • Geranium - a very feminine oil to encourage spontaneous creativity
  • Mandarin - for sheer joy
  • Ylang Ylang - to help connect our emotions to our sense of pleasure.

#3: Diane O'Harro, ITEC Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist & Healer


My interest in Aromatherapy started as a hobby over 15 years ago. The ITEC qualification & others followed whilst working at it on & off part-time, moonlighting if you like, over the years balancing varied employment, office work, hospitality etc.

Almost at once whilst massaging others, I discovered I have some “informal” healing ability. (Informal) as I can’t define it “yet”, but most people (some not ready) glow & feel something wonderfully special after experiencing it.

"Geranium - very balancing & uplifting to the nervous and hormonal system. It smells beautiful and is one of my favourites."

At this unpleasant time of the Coronavirus, life is feeling brutal and tough and the whole world is going through a kind of grief, turmoil and change that is affecting our lives profoundly.

Most of us are feeling frustrated, vulnerable and fed-up with things as they are.

But we need to keep positive and find ways to cope, which brings me to the subject of meditation; how many of you lovely people practise it I wonder?

For those of you who don’t but are perhaps curious and or struggling with the current circumstances, I highly recommend meditation. It’s feels light, helpful and relaxing; you may find it helpful too, and in ways that feels personally tailored to you and your needs. Please, give it a try?

The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel and is represented by the colour orange. This Chakra covers the reproductive system, pelvic area and bladder. It also represents sexuality, sensuality and the emotions. So when feeling relaxed, safe, comfortable, receptive and open to pleasure, sex can be healing.

What blend of oils would I use for the Sacral Chakra and why?

  • Patchouli – is an antidepressant and aphrodisiac that can stimulate the Sacral Chakra especially during a lower back massage. It’s grounding so is helpful for nervous exhaustion & stress related complaints.
  • Lavender – a calming oil and helpful for stress, also a muscle relaxant and good for headaches, (a few drops diluted with a carrier to rub on the temples). Add a few drops to your pillow at night, this helps too.
  • Geranium - very balancing & uplifting to the nervous and hormonal system. It smells beautiful and is one of my favourites.

Massage - 2 or 3 drops of each in 5 -10ml of a carrier oil, i.e. sunflower, or jojoba etc.
Bath - 6 or 7 drops of each in a hot bath.
Essential oil burner - 3 or 4 drops of each.

And finally, may I please offer my sympathy and condolences to anyone who is suffering and or has lost a loved one during this time.

Thanks for reading and please look after yourselves.

#4: Jemma Brannigan, Reiki Master, Aromatherapist and Chakra Healer (Including Animal Chakra Balancing)



The "Rainbow" connection shines in many aspects - such as chakras, rainbow spectrum of food, crystal therapy, colour therapy, and links up with our sound therapy, aromatherapy, and others.

Through The Rainbow Healing Room, Jemma offers reiki treatments, universal energy healing and chakra balancing for both humans and animals, empath support and others related therapies.

"The 5 Essential Oils that I would use to treat the sacral chakra are sandalwood , cardamom , sweet orange, ylang ylang and neroli."

If a person is only able to afford three essential oils, then the 3 I’d choose are neroli, cardamom and ylang ylang.

  • Neroli is very good for balancing the sacral chakra .
  • Cardamom is beneficial for unblocking the sacral chakra.
  • Ylang ylang, sweet orange and sandalwood are beneficial for maintaining a well functioning sacral chakra.

Each of these oils has beneficial properties and qualities that aid the sacral chakra in terms of unblocking, balancing and maintenance of the sacral chakra.

These essential oils can be used in a variety of ways e.g. in an aroma-burner / humidifier or as part of a massage oil - as the sacral chakra benefits from lower back massage.

Essential Oils and the sacral chakra
In order to do work on the sacral chakra it is necessary to determine whether the sacral chakra is open, blocked or overactive.

One also needs to look at the maintenance of a well functioning sacral chakra, once these have been addressed.

If the sacral chakra is open and functioning well, you will feel inspired, motivated and energised.

Balancing the sacral chakra enables one to open up and improve one's relationships with oneself and others

It is responsible for joy, creativity, passion, intimacy, sexuality, money of finance/abundance.

Essential Oils have healing properties that benefit and restore feelings to the sacral chakra, which controls sensuality and creativity.

The sacral chakra benefits from lower back massage which is perfect for use with aromatherapy / essential oils.

Alignment of the sacral chakra gives one confidence to make changes to the way and how one lives one’s life.

  • For a blocked sacral chakra - cardamom
  • An overactive sacral chakra – ylang ylang and neroli
  • To keep a well functioning sacral chakra balanced – sweet orange and sandalwood

#5: Hayley Merrick, Natural Health, Fertility & Menstrual Cycle Practitioner


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Hayley is a Women's Natural Health Practitioner, providing online appointments and specialising in menstruation and reproductive health. She has worked in healthcare for 18 years, 10 of those being a nurse in ICU, gynaecology, surgical wards and occupational health where she supported woman with fertility, menstrual and hormonal issues in the workplace. Hayley uses the techniques she supports clients with herself, such as menstrual awareness, cycle charting, connecting with the luna phases, womb healing and blessing, feminine energy healing, women’s herbs, aromatherapy, reflexology and flower remedies. Hayley is the proud mum to a gorgeous little boy, who keeps her on her toes! When she’s not working with her amazing clients you can find her drinking tea, loving her plants and herb garden and getting out for walks with her little boy in his pushchair.

"Ylang ylang is an obvious choice for the sacral chakra. I just love the floral, exotic and intoxicating aroma of this oil."

One of my favourite oils for the sacral chakra is sweet orange essential oil, I love this vibrant, sweet and energising oil for helping to re-balance sacral energy that may be sluggish or stagnant. It's an oil that makes me think of sunshine and fun. The uplifting energy brings vibrancy, warmth and joy which can help to balance the emotions and reignite creative flames. As an oil with an affinity with the urinary system, orange can support overall health and detoxification.

Geranium is another balancing oil which is great for emotional and hormonal balance. This beautiful oil has the benefit of being both uplifting, yet calming and it's also gently cooling. It is also known to support women's health and the urinary system, making it perfect for the sacral chakra, as the centre of emotions, reproduction and sensuality.

Ylang ylang is an obvious choice for the sacral chakra. I just love the floral, exotic and intoxicating aroma of this oil. It blends beautifully with rose and other oils, or can equally be used alone, as the fragrance is so complex. Calming and sensual, this oil makes a beautiful massage oil.

Finally Marjoram, one of my favourite oils, this soothing, relaxing oil can help to ease menstrual cramps and reduce tension. It blends well with the oils mentioned above and is beautifully warming as an abdominal massage to relieve stagnant sacral energy.

#6: Michele Leathley, Energy Healer, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Meditation Instructor & Life Activation Practitioner


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Michele helps people to energise their body, balance emotions and calm their mind using ancient and sacred healing methods. Michele is also a Life Activation Practitioner. This is a unique healing session which reactivates your spiritual divine blueprint – who you were before all the negative thoughts, emotions and traumas were stored in you. It’s like a factory reset for your mind, body & soul and supports you achieving your full potential in life.

"I recommend both ylang ylang and jasmine oils to balance the sacral chakra. Both exquisite scents and help to both stimulate and soothe the sacral chakra. To reawaken passion and creativity, and reconnect to the soul."

Can you recommend any essential oils or blends for the Sacral Chakra?

We want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who contributed to this post. You've recommended some amazing essential oils and blends to use when working with the Sacral Chakra... lots of inspiration to help people seeking balance.

Now it's over to you, our readers and fellow Sacred Souls. If we may please ask 2 things:

  1. If you found this post useful, it would mean the world if you would give it a share so it may help someone else who might find value from it.
  2. What essential oils or blends would you recommend to support the sacral chakra? Post a comment below with your recommendations 👇

P.S If you're interested in Chakras and energy work, you might want to check out our in-depth guide to the chakras