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Emotional And Energetic Properties Of Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil is detoxifying to both mind and body.
It has a cooling yet drying effect, making it perfect for when you are feeling under the weather, for example.
Lemon essential oil is best understood through the paradigm of Ayurveda and its effects on the Kapha constitution.
Kapha is heavy, solid, sluggish, slow, and sticky.
Psychologically these are very resilient and reliable people.
They work longer, harder and more diligently than either of the vata and pitta constitutions. They can have lovely warm natures but their thought processes are rigid, predictable, routine, and steadfast.
So, while you absolutely want a Kapha person on your team they tend not to like change very much, fresh ideas or making any decisions.
Consider them a little like a Libra person, with their scales, weighing up decisions for hours, days, or even weeks at a time.
When they make a decision too, they’ll stick rigidly to it. They might seem stubborn, but actually it’s the sheer weight they place on the outcome that makes it impossible to shift.
Now, bring in some lemon oil.
First it wafts fresh air through the thought processes like a tropical breeze, opening the cerebral windows, for perhaps the first time in years, suddenly creativity and imagination fills the space.
Imagine the Kapha constitution like mud: heavy, dense and tiring.
Lemon oil dries it with its breeze and suddenly they can breathe more easily, and life seems just lighter to them.
That heavy, plodding nature suddenly gains a spring in its step and they feel more vital and more connected to what’s going on around them.
The rigid nature of their strong muscles relaxes, they begin to feel free and able to connect with what’s going on around them.
Lemon a very uplifting essential oil which perhaps is down to the very high vibration of lemon, how it seems to push energy upwards and make you feel lighter.
It’s also astringent, reducing oiliness on the skin and hair.
Now consider how lemon essential oil’s beautiful nature would affect the rest of us day to day.
Most important is its effect on our decision-making processes. When things become stagnant, when we feel like we’re drowning or overwhelmed, then lemon oil quickly pulls the plug on the worry and steadies us.
For anyone who has to sit a test, lemon essential oil is fantastic at helping you to focus. According to Dr Bruce Berkovsky, lemon essential oil is sometimes diffused in Japanese banks to reduce the amount of worker errors.
There’s no surprise that lemon essential oil is very popular with people feeling under the weather.
One of its strongest attributes is how it makes us feel much better, as in how it affects our mental processing, helping us to feel less sorry for ourselves and less likely to complain.
Lemon essential oil is one of the best to choose for nervous exhaustion and debility. If your mind has dragged you into a position where you can no longer make decisions, are feeling down, or struggling to wake up in the morning, then using lemon essential oil can be incredibly useful.
Reasons To Use Lemon Essential Oil
Use Lemon Oil To: | How To Use |
*refer to safety considerations in the attributes tab before use
Chemical Composition
The below is an approximate composition of lemon essential oil:
Constituent | Approx % |
limonene | 55 - 75% |
β-pinene | 6 - 17% |
y-terpinene | 3 - 13% |
a-terpineol | 0 - 8% |
a-pinene | 1 - 5% |
geranial | 0.5 - 4.5% |
sabinene | 0.5 - 2.5% |
p-cymene | tr - 2.5% |
β-myrcene | tr - 2.5% |
neral | 0.5 - 2% |
terpinen-4-ol | tr - 2% |
neryl acetate | tr - 1.5% |
Our Commitment to Quality
Every batch of Lemon oil we receive is tested for purity and quality. Each batch of essential oil can differ, even from the same producer. Because essential oil is extracted from plants, it can be affected by many factors such as the weather, the seasons, and human error... a bit like fine wine.
This is why we carry out batch testing even if the batch is from the same supplier so we can guarantee consistent quality.
The farms we’ve chosen to work with consistently provide incredibly pure, high quality oils. We regularly review our producers with a stringent set of quality guidelines that we’ve developed in partnership with our industry experts and their 20+ years in the industry.
“Even an oil which is quite truthfully described as pure may be of poor quality, and therefore of less value therapeutically. IF AN ESSENTIAL OIL COSTS MUCH LESS THAN YOU WOULD NORMALLY EXPECT TO PAY FOR IT, the oil may well be a third or fourth distillate from a batch of plant material which has already yielded the greater part of its properties to the first or second distillation.”
About The Cultivation
Our mission is to provide you with the purest essential oils that contain the therapeutic properties you need to support yours and your family’s health.
Sometimes this means the oil is certified organic but acquiring an organic certification can be quite costly to farmers, which means many choose not to obtain it. Oils derived from plants that are organically grown or wildcrafted are still free from man-made chemicals despite not being certified. This means the oils can be of equal or better quality than comparable certified organic products and often at a lower price.
We also try our best to source single origin essential oils wherever possible.
How We Package Our Lemon Oil
Our Lemon oil is fresh off the still and comes in a 10ML blue glass bottle and is sealed to protect the precious oil within. The bottle also comes with an orifice reducer built in so you can dispense the oil one drop at a time.
During the shipping process, special canisters prolong and protect the quality of the oil from light and temperature during transit from around the globe and we ensure a quick turnaround time from producer to bottle, with minimal shelf time to maintain quality and purity.
We typically recommend storing your oil at or below room temperature in a cool dark place.
The Tests We Run on our Oils To Ensure Quality
All of our oil is constantly tested for purity. The testing provides us with key data about what constituent compounds are in the oils and at what volumes.
Gas Chromatography (GC)
Gas Chromatography (GC) describes the analytical separation technique used to analyze volatile substances in the gas phase. In GC, the components of a sample are dissolved in a solvent and vaporized in order to separate the analytes by distributing the sample between two phases: a stationary phase and a mobile phase. GC provides us key data about what compounds are in oils and how much of each component is present.
Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Mass Spectrometry (MS) is an analytical chemistry technique that identifies the amount and type of individual molecules present in a sample by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio. A mass spectrometer has three essential functions: Ion source, Mass analyzer and the Detector. The Ion source is where the sample is ionized. Once the sample is ionized, the mass analyzer sorts and separates the ions according to the mass and charge. Once the ions are separated and sorted then the separation is measured in the detector where a results chart is displayed..
A personal message from our founders
Ultimately we believe that an oil, like the business that stands behind it, should be ethical and be exactly what it says on the tin. That’s why we only use the highest quality Lemon, with the highest quality extraction methods, and shipped with the highest quality packaging.
It’s also why you won’t see us throwing around buzzwords that don’t mean anything, like “therapeutic grade” or “clinical grade.” When we describe our oils, we mean what we say.
We believe that the more you know about essential oils in general, the more likely you’ll want to become a part of the Sacred Soul community.
If for any reason you’re unsatisfied with our oil, I want to personally invite you to email me and let me know. I’ll be happy to refund your money within the first 30 days of your purchase.
I’m betting my business on the fact that you’ll be blown away by the quality and aroma of our Lemon essential oil.
Either way, thanks for stopping by our site and checking us out. We hope every interaction you have with us, in person, or online is positive and memorable. Feel free to drop us a note on our contact page if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback for us.
Dilution Guide
This guide is a general overview for oils that don't have a more restricted dermal recommendation and are considered safe for topical use with adults age 16+. It also doesn't account for any specific medical issues, medication or skin conditions. You should check with a medical professional or aromatherapist before use. Below are not recommended dosages. Never apply undiluted to the skin.
ALWAYS check the max dermal use for the individual oil/s or blend you plan to use. You should also consider your medical and skin conditions and take the advice of a qualified professional. Serious negative effects such as skin sensitization, irritation, burns and other issues could occur from misusing essential oils and products containing essential oils.
Patch test: For first time use, place a drop of diluted essential oil on a small area of skin such as the inside elbow. After application, be aware of adverse reactions for the first 24-48 hours.
General Use
See below for approximate dilution ratios and usage guidelines. These are NOT recommended dosages and you should always consult with a medical professional or qualified aromatherapist before use.
Always start with a low dilution.
- 0.5% - 1% = facial, long term daily use or full body application
- 2% = generally good for regular use
- 3% = for specific localised concerns
- 5% = short term specific concerns (max 2 weeks)
- 10% = acute specific concerns
When measuring in 'drops', just be aware that the only way for true accuracy is to measure your drops using a digital scale because different oils can amount to a slightly different number of drops per ml. The orifice reducer in the bottle is also not a standard size so could differ between brands, which could affect the size of ‘a drop’ and therefore your dilution %. This table is intended as an approximate guide only.
*30ml is 1 ounce
Dilution % | 5ml (1tsp carrier oil) | 10ml (2tsp carrier oil) | 15ml (3tsp carrier oil) | 30ml (6 tsp carrier oil) |
0.5% | <1 drop | 1 drop | 2 drops | 4 drops |
1% | 1 drop | 3 drops | 4 drops | 9 drops |
2% | 3 drops | 6 drops | 9 drops | 18 drops |
3% | 4 drops | 9 drops | 13 drops | 27 drops |
5% | 7 drops | 15 drops | 22 drops | 45 drops |
10% | 14 drops | 30 drops | 44 drops | 90 drops |
Can it be used internally?
As a brand, we have taken the position that essential oils are for external use only and should not be taken internally. We therefore will never state that any essential oil is food grade as this indicates that it is fit for human consumption.
Can it be used in a diffuser/oil burner?
Yes it can! :)
Can you use direct on the skin?
No we never recommend that any essential oil is used direct on the skin. Always dilute with a carrier, even when using in the bath.
Is it antibacterial (or any other medicinal property)?
Due to legal restrictions, we are not allowed to make any medicinal claims about essential oils and their properties, even if there is scientific evidence that supports the claim.
Is it certified organic?
In the additional details section on the product page, you will see the cultivation listed in the attributes. It will state ‘certified organic’ and the program under which certification was obtained if the oil is certified organic.
Sometimes an oil will be derived from plants that have been organically grown but the producer doesn’t have organic certification (organic certification comes with a price that many producers choose not to obtain). This doesn’t mean the oil is of a lower quality and in fact the opposite can be true. The cultivation will state ‘organically grown’ if this is the case.
Wild-crafted/wild-harvested means that the plants have been harvested from the wild rather than a plantation.
Is it therapeutic grade?
Therapeutic grade is a term created to assist with marketing. There isn’t an official industry standard for therapeutic grade so we refuse to use this term.
Can it be used in a steam room or sauna?
Technically yes but if it is a public steam room or sauna then NO, because you don’t know the people sharing the steam room with you.
These people could be suffering from health issues or taking certain medication and using essential oils in the steam room with these people could cause unwanted negative and potentially serious effects.
Can it be used for massage?
Yes it can but always diluted with a carrier.
Brand | Sacred Soul Holistics |
Size | 10ml |
Botanical Name | Citrus limonum |
Plant Family | Rutaceae |
Plant Part | Fruit Peel |
Country Of Origin | Australia |
Extraction Method | Expressed (also referred to as cold pressed) |
Cultivation | Single Origin, Conventional |
Aroma | Fresh, light, zesty, citrus, sweet |
Notes | Top |
Consistency | Thin |
Colour | Pale to yellow to yellow-greenish |
Chemical Family | Monoterpenes |
Approx Shelf Life | 2 years |
Energy | Uplifting and works to calm and clear the mind while stimulating alertness, mental focus and decision making. Great to use when you are feeling down, sluggish with low energy or mentally fatigued. Cooling and drying, lemon oil strengthens and calms the Shen. In the Five Elements, lemon oil tonifies the Wood and reduces excess damp associated with the Earth element. A high vibrational oil, lemon works to lift the sprits and encouraging us to be present. |
Chakras | 2nd - Sacral, 3rd - Solar Plexus, 6th - Brow |
Mind & Emotions | Calming & Uplifting |
Blends With | Other citrus top notes such as orange, lime, Bergamot, lemongrass, melissa, and lemon verbena. Lemon also adores being with spices, so works well with top notes such as black pepper and star anise, as well as middle notes such like cumin, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. It enjoys clinical fragrances such as eucalyptus, tea tree and kanuka and adores being blended with thick, resinous base notes such as myrrh and benzoin. Most oils really including: bay, bay laurel, cananga, cedarwoods, chamomiles, cistus, clary sage, coriander seed, cypress, blue cypress, fennel sweet, fragonia, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, immortelle, jasmine, juniper berry, lavandin, lavender, linden blossom, manuka, myrtle, oregano, peppermint, pimento berry, ravintsara, rose, rosemary, sage, spearmint, thyme, vetiver, ylang ylang |
GC/MS Testing | Batch Number: Awaiting results |
Disclaimer | The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by medical practitioners. Neither Sacred Soul Holistics nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products. |
Safety | General: Specific: |
Application | Bath, Compress, Diffuse, Inhale, Massage, Topical |
Recipes | Enough feeling like *%?) Handkerchief Blend Place 1 drop of each onto a tissue, and inhale through the day:
Can also be used as a diffuser blend. Merrier Mornings Face Cloth Blend
Method of use: drop the essential oils into a basin full of warm water. Soak the face cloth, and then squeeze out. Use as usual. |
Dilution Guide | Dilution rates of essential oils are generally at a rate of 1%, 2% or 3% ratio of essential oil to carrier. For facial use it's usually max 0.5%. Some essential oils are even less than this or not to be used topically at all so check the safety of the individual oil before use. |
- Battaglia S, The Complete Guide To Aromatherapy, third edition. Black Pepper Creative Pty Ltd, 2018
- Tisserand and Young, Essential Oil Safety, second edition. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014
- Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book Of Essential Oils And Aromatherapy, New World Library, 2016
Learn More About Lemon Essential Oil
Extremely reactive to temperature, the lemon tree hates the cold and will lose its leaves if subjected to any temperatures lower than 20°C.
A huge tree, the lemon tree can grow up to around 25ft in spread and will give a harvest of up to 1500 lemons and produce fruit in both dry and humid conditions.
Lemon essential oil is commonly pressed from the rind of the fruit through a process called Ecuelle a piqué, where the machine puts hundreds of thousands of tiny pinpricks into the rind to perforate the oil sacs and then the rind is pressurised to squeeze out the oil.